ISO/IEC27001 Consultancy


ISO/IEC27001:2013 is the international standard for information security management used by Organisations throughout the world as the benchmark for security threat identification and security risk management. The standard provides the Organisation with a framework of business practices that provide management with assurance of the quality of the security of information within their Organisation.

Formal ISO27001 certification makes it obvious to customers, business partners and suppliers that information security is a factor taken seriously within the Organisation. With our support and guidance Customers have successfully completed their drive towards ISO27001 certification.

to email for further assistance or to arrange an appointment.

Alternatively call our office number +44 (0)1344 780000.


ISO27011 service table picture

The ISO27001 consulting service Armana Systems delivers can be tailored to a Customer's exact needs and budget; with established ISO27001 implementation techniques and tools that can be adapted for any size company; from a small business venture through to large Corporate Businesses.

View the table to the right ⇨

Whilst Armana methodology is flexible, they have produced two one-off-fee, standard consulting packages (Elite and Classic) plus one that is a "Complete" service that Armana provides a firm quotation for. The Complete service encompasses a degree of bespoke work that fits around the Customer's needs and established policies and procedures.

Email Armana for a quotation, learn more or enter in discussions about your service needs by clicking the email button.

Alternatively call our office number +44 (0)1344 780000.

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